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Media Arts & Sciences
MAS Team Members


Andy Ryan

Andy Ryan

Meet Our Team 

The MAS team oversees all academic programming and administration of the Program in Media Arts and Sciences (MAS). Students come to the Media Lab through the Program in Media Arts and Sciences (MAS), based within MIT’s School of Architecture + Planning. Each year, the program accepts master’s and PhD candidates with backgrounds ranging from computer science to psychology, architecture to neuroscience, mechanical engineering to material science, and more.

Person People
Mahy El-Kouedi
Director of Academic Program Administration
Person People
Sarra Shubart
Academic Programs Specialist 2
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Alma Jam
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer
Person People
Meghan Jordan
Academic Programs Specialist 1
Person People
Faith Masaku
Program Assistant, Diversity & Student Support
Person People
Jonathan Richards
Administrative Assistant

Connect With Us

MAS is a private, friendly and easily accessible support hub for MAS students. Whether you're struggling with your research or courses, having personal or health challenges, are considering taking time away from the program, or just aren't sure who to talk to, please connect with us: studentsupport@media.mit.edu

Interested in learning about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) programs and initiatives? Have ideas or recommendations that can help improve DEI and belonging efforts in the lab? MAS hosts a variety of diversity-driven programs, professional development, advocacy workshops, and community-building events. We also work collaboratively with Media Lab on the DEI Working Group which is open to new members (students, faculty and staff) year-round. If you have any questions, please connect with us: diversity@media.mit.edu

For all other general MAS questions, please contact: mas@media.mit.edu 

Location: MAS Suite E15-416 
Hours: M-F, 9-5 PM 
Email Address: mas@media.mit.edu

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