The New School, New York, NY
Jie Qi is participating in the workshop "Bridging Books: Printed Media as a Support for Digital Experiences," Monday, june 24, 9:00am – 5:30pm: http://idc2013.org/program/
David Sengeh is presenting a keynote entitled "Design Innovation with youth in Sierra Leone," Tuesday, June 25th, 9:30am – 10:30am: http://idc2013.org/david-sengeh-keynote/
Mitch Resnick and alum Edith Ackermann are participating in the closing panel, a discussion of Seymour Papert’s research, Thursday, June 27th, 4:00pm – 5:30pm: http://idc2013.org/seymour-papert-panel/
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Lifelong Kindergarten (Unpublished) High-Low Tech