WHAT: Dr. Eduardo Doryan, "The Global Discussion on Development"
Wednesday, May 1, 2002, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM EST
Bartos Theatre, MIT Media Lab (E15)
Learning Webs group
In the last few years since the United Nations Millennium Summit in September 2000 there has been an evolving discussion on the global rules related to development based on a post-Cold War platform. The presentation will give an overview of the main issues on the table, the position of the key global players and the challenges for education and knowledge efforts. The current initiatives discussed last week by Ministers of Finance and Development in the context of the Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the IMF on Education For All is a good example of the challenges facing the international commmunity on this matter.
Furthermore, if a rapid and enhanced use of ICT is promoted as a means of leapfrogging there are systemic barrier to be overcome. A discussion on some of these barriers will also be addressed.
Effective September 1, 2001, Dr. Eduardo Doryan, a Costa Rican national, assumed the position of Special Representative to the United Nations. Dr. Doryan will be charged with advancing the new agenda of the World Bank, building common ground with the United Nations and other key partners to advance the global development agenda.
Dr. Doryan brings to his new position a broad knowledge of human development issues. Most recently he served as Vice President for Human Development where he was responsible for overseeing the Bank's operations in education, health, nutrition, population and social protection (pensions, unemployment and other social assistance). Dr. Doryan also brings to us his extensive pre-Bank experience, including that as Minister of Education in the Government of Costa Rica from 1994-1998. During that time, among some of the important initiatives implemented were those to establish technical education programs to upgrade the skills of the country's workforce, widespread use of computers in primary and secondary schools, the extension of the school year, and the introduction of more challenging curricula to the classroom. Dr. Doryan played a significant role in the efforts to reform Costa Rica's pension system with an emphasis on financial and equity aspects. Prior to this, he served as his country's Deputy Minister for Science and Technology, where he developed a program to increase the number of students pursuing master's and doctoral-level studies in leading North American and European universities.
Immediately prior to joining the Bank, Dr. Doryan was Director of the Latin American Center for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development at INCAE (Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas). In that capacity, he provided intellectual and managerial oversight to a team of professionals collaborating with the Central American presidents to develop and implement a strategic framework for peace and sustainable development in the region.
Dr. Doryan received his BSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Costa Rica, after which he attended the Graduate Program, Power Systems Engineering, University of Strathclyde in Scotland. He then went on to Harvard University, where he received his MPA from the John F. Kennedy School of Government, and his PhD in Political Economy and Government.
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