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IN TENSE DIMENSIONS: A Song Cycle for Voice & Live Electronics by Max Addae


Nicholas Barbosa

Nicholas Barbosa

In Tense Dimensions is the premiere live performance of VocalCords, a stretch-sensor based voice controller/processor I have been developing as part of my Master's Thesis, which explores tactile interaction and performance with the singing voice. Anchored in the connection between physical and musical tension, VocalCords positions stretch as an expressive physical modality for vocal augmentation, as if the controller were an abstraction of one's own "vocal cords". In this way, the controller presents a novel approach to electro-acoustic vocal performance, creating opportunities for vocalists of all experience levels to manipulate their voices in a tactile manner.

As an exploration of VocalCords' expressive potential, I will perform a four-movement song cycle for solo voice and live electronics using VocalCords to explore connections between physical, musical, and emotional tension, specifically with regard to my experiences with the strains of isolation, uncertainty, and anxiety arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The performance is funded in part by the Council for the Arts at MIT.

Following the performance, all are invited to brief talkback discussion to share any reactions, insights, or questions about the project/performance, as well as a reception in the Opera of the Future space! 

A recording of the song cycle will be released soon! The program for the song cycle, with notes on each movement, can be found here

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