At the 2022 AMOS Conference, Danielle Wood serves as session chair and panel moderator for "Space Situational & Domain Awareness," co-led with Space Enabled Affiliate Moriba Jah. The Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference is a technical conference devoted to space situational awareness/space domain awareness. The cross section of private sector, government, and academic participation helps foster important dialogue and international collaboration. The session on Space Situational and Space Domain Awareness addresses the engineering, policy and innovation challenges of ensuring common understanding of what human-made objects are doing in space. The Technology Policy Panel session explores questions such as how the US can engage with China on data sharing about space objects, how to foster controlled management of the reentry of space objects and the need for clarity of data on objects in the Geostationary Belt. AMOS offers both in-person and virtual participation via registration.