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LocationAlserkal Avenue, DubaiDescriptionCities are rising at a fast pace. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has seen this wit…
In a recent profile, Ganit Goldstein talks about her work at the intersection of fashion, engineering, and tech, and her experience at MIT.
Death and the Powers is a groundbreaking opera that brings a variety of technological, conceptual, and aesthetic innovations to the th…
With Google Trends showing that searches for the word “blockchain” have exponentially increased, we may be entering the peak of the hype.
Robbin Chapman, Leo Burd
The research of the Smart Cities group focuses on intelligent, sustainable buildings, mobility systems, and cities. It explores the applica…
Hyper-LOCAL solutions to GLOBAL problemsCo-hosted by MIT City Science and Taipei Tech This event was hosted virtually in October of 2…
The third City Science Summit, kicked off October 1, 2019 in the HafenCity district of Hamburg.
This new webinar series will explore the future of French and American cities and the importance of security and trust in the digital age.
LocationGrand Hyatt, Melbourne, Australia Description
This course focuses on data analytics, new urban systems, real-time simulation, and urban design strategies that can enable more entreprene…
LocationKing Abdullah Economic City (KAEC), Saudi Arabia Description
Agent Based Modeling for behaviours, building occupancy loads and risk infection at the University of Guadalajara. In collaboration wi…
Sanchez, N.C. and Larson, K., 2024. Shared autonomous micro-mobility for walkable cities. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 27, p.101236.
We use high-resolution geospatial data collected from mobile phones to measure social segregation at an unprecedented resolution in cities …
The NFI's "Opening Act" introduced the first cohort of students and included talks from experts in industry + academia. Watch the videos!
This City Science Summit explores a future WITHOUT top-down and increasingly obsolete heavy infrastructure.
Autonomous Innovation Communities
The past several years have shown a proliferation of sensor and wireless communication technologies across the urban landscape, enabling la…
LocationMalmö, Sweden Description
Persuasive Cities research is aimed at advancing urban spaces to facilitate societal changes. According to social science research, any wel…
The City Science Lab @ Biobio recently hosted a workshop co-organized with the San Vicente Port Company. The workshop invited a dialogue be…
In a new study, researchers from MIT and other universities show that personal mobility during the Covid-19 pandemic hasn't fully recovered.
Balland, P.A., Rigby, D., and Boschma, R. (2015) The Technological Resilience of U.S. Cities, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 8 (2): 167-184
We are developing low-cost, distributed sensor networks for grassroots environmental monitoring.
This project investigates urban metagenomics to reveal the invisible microbiological worlds within our cities. Using honeybees to gather sa…
A new masterclass video series from the Norman Foster Foundation features leading experts in the fields of architecture, urbanism, and more.
Nikhil Naik, Scott D. Kominers, Ramesh Raskar, Edward L. Glaeser, César A. Hidalgo
Two installations at the Venice Architecture Biennale and the Guggenheim Bilbao invite visitors to explore the future of urban mobility
Balland, P., Jara-Figueroa, C., Petralia, S.G. et al. Complex Economic Activities Concentrate in Large Cities. Nature Human Behavior (2020) doi:10.1038/s41562-019-0803-3
Stibe, A., Chatterjee, S., Schechtner, K., Wunsch, M., Millonig, A., Seer, S., ... & Larson, K. (2016). Empowering Cities for Sustainable Wellbeing. Alexander Meschtscherjakov Boris De Ruyter Verena Fuchsberger Martin Murer, 76.
Kent Larson, head of the Media Lab’s City Science group, and PhD student Naroa Coretti Sánchez talk about the group's work and philosophy.
This online professional short course offers people around the globe an opportunity to learn from Kent Larson and the City Science team as …
After collecting the largest dataset of corporate surveillance in the U.S., consisting of every Amazon Ring camera that has posted to the R…
Talk title: Career paths at the intersection of clinical medicine and emerging technologies
Stibe, Agnis. "Persuasive Cities: Health Behavior Change at Scale." Alexander Meschtscherjakov Boris De Ruyter Verena Fuchsberger Martin Murer (2016): 42.
Marrocco, L., Ferrer, E. C., Bucchiarone, A., Grignard, A., Alonso, L., Larson, K., & Pentland, A. (2018, July). BASIC: Towards a Blockchained Agent-Based SImulator for Cities. In International Workshop on Massively Multiagent Systems (pp. 144-162). Springer, Cham.
Kent Larson presents Beyond Smart Cities, a keynote lecture on how we can enable dynamic, evolving places that respond to the complex…
Small cities face greater impact from automation Morgan R. Frank, Lijun Sun, Manuel Cebrian, Hyejin Youn, Iyad Rahwan J. R. Soc. Interface 2018 15 20170946; DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0946. Published 7 February 2018
The summit theme, Cities WITH(in), challenged the eight City Science Network labs to seek opportunities for their research to impact local s
Boschma, R., Heimeriks, G. and Balland, P.A. (2014) Scientific knowledge dynamics and relatedness in biotech cities, Research Policy, 43 (1): 107-114
Stibe, A., & Larson, K. (2016). Persuasive Cities for Sustainable Wellbeing: Quantified Communities. In International Conference on Mobile Web and Information Systems (pp. 271-282). Springer International Publishing.
Herzog, R. H., Gonçalves, J. E., Slingerland, G., Kleinhans, R., Prang, H., Brazier, F., & Verma, T. (2024). Cities for citizens! Public value spheres for understanding conflicts in urban planning. Urban Studies, 61(7), 1327-1344.
It’s long been clear that urbanization and automated technologies are shaping society, but it hasn’t been obvious how the two forces affect…
The robot takeover will start in the smaller cities.
Kent Larson considers the societal stressors caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and those that the world will face post-pandemic.
Machine learning is helping urbanists confirm–or disprove–long-standing theories about cities.
Terra Incognita is a global news game and recommendation system. Terra Incognita helps you discover interesting news and personal connectio…
Walking as the most natural form of urban mobility plays a crucial role in shaping the quality of daily life. However, safety concerns ofte…
By M. Victoria S. Nadal "There is a set of population for which smart cities can make a fundamental difference: people with disabilities."
EmTech EUROPE 2021 – Forging a Brighter FutureHosted by MIT Technology Review"MIT Technology Review is bringing its globally renowned EmTec…
Human activities, such as research, innovation and industry, concentrate disproportionately in large cities. The ten most innovative cities…
Noyman, Ariel, Agnis Stibe, and Kent Larson. "Roadmap for Autonomous Cities: Sustainable Transformation of Urban Spaces." (2017).
Moro, E., Calacci, D., Dong, X. et al. Mobility patterns are associated with experienced income segregation in large US cities. Nat Commun 12, 4633 (2021).
Economic segregation isn't just limited to neighborhoods; it's part of the places you visit every day.
Kapitonov, A., Lonshakov, S., Berman, I., Castelló Ferrer, E., Bonsignorio, F., Bulatov, V., & Svistov, A. (2019). Robotic Services for New Paradigm Smart Cities Based on Decentralized Technologies. Ledger, 4. doi:
Cities need to work to ensure that AR makes the leap from “cool experience,” to a technology that improves residents’ lives.
Climate change presents an existential threat to human civilization, and the IPCC report of August 2021 sounds like “a death knell for coal…