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LocationAustin Convention Center, Room 10AB Description#sxsw #LOLnations #MLSXSWGlobal memes add snark and commentary to politics. Memes ha…
The New Yorker talks to DCI head Neha Narula and other experts about the ways internet culture is transforming traditional notions of value
LocationMoonshine Restaurant, 303 Red River Description#MLSXSWDates: Friday March 7 thru Monday March 10 (11am - 5:30pm daily)Science ficti…
LocationAustin Convention Center, Ballroom D Description#sxsw #SxSWMake #MLSXSWThe idea of making isn’t just reserved for handmade bikes, a…
LocationAT&T; Conference Center, Classroom 106, 1900 University Avenue Description#sxsw #MLSXSW #sxBiasATTENTION: You must signup in advanc…
What happens when you combine ideas from one of the oldest art museums in the US with one of the world's edgiest research labs?
Location6th Floor, Downtown Austin Hilton (500 East 4th St.). Description#MLSXSWSXSW Interactive Festival Hall of Fame Honors Top Industry …
LocationHilton Austin Downtown, Salon JK, 500 E. 4th Street Description#sxsw #makermvmt #MLSXSWThe Internet of Things is not coming, it's a…
LocationHyatt Regency Austin, Hill Country ABCD, 208 Barton Springs Road Description#sxsw #MLSXSW #GetAlongThere's too much contention in o…
LocationCourtyard Marriott, Rio Grande Ballroom, 300 E. 4th St. Description#sxsw #how2focus #MLSXSWDistracted at the office? You’re not alo…
LocationRoom 9ABC, Austin Convention Center Description#sxsw #HackAttn #MLSXSWSuperstorms, bombings and protests around the globe are chall…
LocationAustin Convention Center, Room 9ABC DescriptionUshahidi is from Kenya; we know how hard it can be to get connected. Those who lack …
Professor Danielle Wood and other experts consider what it means that the Outer Space Treaty defines space as the “province of all mankind."
LocationHilton Austin Downtown, Salon D, 500 E. 4th St. Description#sxsw #MLSXSW #MLSciFiScience fiction explores our wildest dreams and bi…
LocationHilton Austin Downtown, Salon D, 500 E. 4th St. Description#sxsw #MLSXSW #MLSciFiScience fiction explores our wildest dreams and bi…
LocationHilton Austin Downtown, Salon F, 500 E. 4th St. Description#sxsw #SXHealth #MLSXSWIn the future, virtual health care won’t be a lux…
Danielle Wood @ COP28 in DubaiProf. Danielle Wood, director of the Space Enabled research group, will speak at several events hosted on the…
Graeff, Erhardt. 2015. ‘Binders Full of Election Memes: Participatory Culture Invades the 2012 U.S. Election.’ Civic Media Project.
LocationMoonshine Restaurant, 303 Red River DescriptionJoin Juliette Fritsch (Chief of Education and Interpretation at the Peabody Essex Mu…
Digital Nations (DN) aims to address major social challenges (improving education, enhancing health care, supporting community development)…
Prof. Wood is invited for a third time to serve as a Private Sector Advisor to the US government delegation to this UN space policy forum
Smith, Jacqueline H., Minoo Rathnasabapathy, and Danielle Wood. "The political and legal landscape of space debris mitigation in emerging space nations." Journal of Space Safety Engineering (2024).
M. Rathnasabapathy, M. Slavin, D. Wood, "Role of emerging nations in ensuring long-term space sustainability." Acta Astronautica, 2024.
Neha Narula and Gary Gensler joined other experts to explore the potential impacts of digital currencies on national and global security.
Dr. Canan Dagdeviren has been invited to speak at a panel entitled “Women in Science and Diplomacy for Sustaining Peace and Development” at…
S Bustos, C Gomez, R Hausmann, CA Hidalgo.
Dr. Minoo Rathnasabapathy and Prof. Danielle Wood recently published "Role of emerging nations in ensuring long-term space sustainability."
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda) is the boldest agenda for humanity and the most ambitious anti-poverty, pro-pl
Alex Pentland, Rich Fletcher, Amir Hassan
CA Hidalgo, B Klinger, A-L Barabasi, R Hausmann.
Measuring Cooperation at Scale
IntroductionThe typology of sociotechnical transition pathways, as developed by Geels and Schot, provides a theoretical foundation for und…
The Machine Understanding group works on understanding human cognition and developing base level technologies for intelligent computer syst…
Optimizing environmental, social, and economic performance of cities.
LocationEdinburgh, Scotland Description
LocationMIT Sloan School, E51-115, Wong Auditorium DescriptionLecture by Joi Ito, director of the MIT Media Lab, followed by a one-on-one d…
The Community Biotechnology Initiative at the MIT Media Lab is organizing the second annual Global Summit on Community Biotechnol…
In order to extend the Digital Intuition group's ability to understand human language, a module that fills in the gaps of current technolog…
Humanity has harnessed evolution to sculpt domesticated animals, crops, and molecules, but the process remains a black box. Which combinati…
An International Summit on community biotechnology to be held in September 2017.
A global "AI Bill of Rights" that would help protect fairness, promote accountability, support innovation, and develop ethical guidelines.
LocationMIT Media Lab Description"No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main…."–John D…
City Science researchers are engaging in an exploratory process to understand, develop, and model a platform with a focus on the 15-minute …
Wednesday April 18, 2018 …
Given the cross-border impact of AI and related technologies, what are appropriate and workable governance mechanisms that can operate at a…
LocationLincoln Center Description
LocationNew York Times Center Description
SARAH JEHAAN KHANALAA MURABITLILA IGRAMSAKENA YACOOBIWomen and girls around the world face formidable challenges. Just two of the grim stat…
Every country has a brand, negative or positive, and that brand is mediated in part by its global press coverage. We are measuring and rank…
ISC and its partners will organize the 9th edition of the Science Summit around the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78) on 12-29 …
What will increased, more affordable access to space mean for the sector, and what new opportunities will open up?
The World Economic Council (WEF) Global Future Councils convene more than 1000 of the most relevant and knowledgeable thought leaders from …
Shahar Ronen, Bruno Goncalves, Kevin Hu, Alessandro Vespignani, Steven Pinker, Cesar A. Hidalgo
LocationYale University Description
2020 has seen an acceleration of digital transformation. There have been global reactions in response to political climates, education, cli…
Dr. Nataliya Kosmyna, research scientist in the Fluid Interfaces group, will be taking part in OECD's Global Forum on Technology event…
The deep sea is the common heritage of all of humankind and we must all share in the responsibility to be good stewards of it.
We investigate the structure and dynamics of a network representative of the global trading market that emerged during the 16th century.
The City Science Network is a collaboration of institutions + researchers sharing a the goal of enabling more livable, equitable communities
Former Research Scientist, Mobility