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LocationE14-6th Floor DescriptionThe field of Computational Photography seeks to create new photographic functionalities and experiences th…
LocationThe Westin La Paloma, Tucson, AZ Description
X Lin, J Suo, G Wetzstein, Q Dai, R Raskar
Computational photography is an emerging multi-disciplinary field at the intersection of optics, signal processing, computer graphics and v…
Ramesh Raskar
G Wetzstein, W Heidrich, R Raskar
LocationVienna, Austria Description Additional Related ProjectsMedRec
LocationMIT Media Lab Description
IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks – Sensors and Systems for Digital Health (IEEE BSN) is the premier conference in…
Dr. Dagdeviren is giving a talk, titled, "Talking to the Body via Conformable Decoders,” at the 6th International Conference on Electr…
LocationCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Description
In the era of networked societies and the ascent of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, we find ourselves amidst transformative change…
Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
The annual International Space Station R&D Conference is an interactive and intensive event with leaders within the academic, comm…
"Sensing And Connecting Across Scales"
Congratulations to Pat Pataranutaporn, Angela Vujic, David Kong, Pattie Maes, and Misha Sra!
X Lin, J Suo, G Wetzstein, Q Dai, R Raskar
A Velten, D Wu, A Jarabo, B Masia, C Barsi, C Joshi, E Lawson, M Bawendi, D Gutierrez, R Raskar
Minoo Rathnasabapathy will serve as panelist and moderator for two sessions, and Moriba Jah will give the Day 2 opening keynote address.
Kai-yuh Hsiao, Nikolaos Mavridis, Deb Roy
Guy Satat, Christopher Barsi, Ramesh Raskar
Mahdad Hosseini Kamal, Barmak Heshmat, Ramesh Raskar, Pierre Vandergheynst, Gordon Wetzstein Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Volume 145, Pages 172-181
The FibeRobo project won gold in the Textile & Materials / New Technology Fabrics category.
W. Bradley Knox, Cynthia Breazeal, Peter Stone
Gordon Wetzstein, Wolfgang Heidrich, Ramesh Raskar
G. Satat, M. Tancik and R. Raskar, "Towards Photography Through Realistic Fog", IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), (2018).
The International Design Awards (IDA) recognizes and celebrates smart and sustainable multidisciplinary design worldwide.
Flash Photography for Data-Driven Hidden Scene Recovery. Matthew Tancik, Guy Satat, Ramesh Raskar, arXiv:1810.11710 (2018).
Ramesh Raskar
Research Affiliate
Former Research Assistant
Skin and tissue perfusion measurements are important parameters for diagnosis of wounds and burns, and for monitoring plastic and reconstru…
Groh, Matthew, Craig Ferguson, Robert Lewis, and Rosalind W. Picard. "Computational Empathy Counteracts the Negative Effects of Anger on Creative Problem Solving." In 2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2022.
Heshmat, B., Tancik, M., Satat, G. & Raskar, R. Photography optics in the time dimension. Nature Photonics 12, 560–566 (2018). 10.1038/s41566-018-0234-0
We present coded focal stack photography as a computational photography paradigm that combines a focal sweep and a coded sensor readout wit…
Prof. Danielle Wood is co-hosting this year's IAA UT Austin STM Conference along with Prof. Moriba Jah, affiliate of Space Enabled.
Information for International StudentsThe Program in Media Arts and Sciences welcomes international students from around the world. Current…
The ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) is the premier international and interdisciplinary conference
Danielle Wood co-hosts the Space Traffic Management Conference, themed around "Inflection Points of Change: Civil, Commercial & Security."
LocationMilan, Italy DescriptionPaper and Oral Presentations8/26, 11:45am | Javier Hernandez: BioPhone: Physiology Monitoring from Peripher…
Dr. Alvin Harvey spoke on "Introduction to Indigenous Astrophilosophy" at the Lunar and Planetary Institute's 2024 conference.
Dr. Minoo Rathnasabapathy spoke at the 1st IAA African Symposium on Small Satellites and the 5th African Space Generation Workshop.
We present a novel framework to extend the dynamic range of images called Unbounded High Dynamic Range (UHDR) photography with a modulo cam…
The team won for STEM Engagement for successfully transferring the Zero Robotics global competition from SPHERES to Astrobee.
Dr. Katlyn Turner spoke at University of Michigan's "Phoenix Project: From Kikuchi to Fastest Path," hosted by NERS at UMichigan.
A Jarabo, B Masia, A Velten, R Raskar, D Gutiérrez Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, 2017
The three-day, hands-on conference hosted by the MIT RAISE Initiative welcomed youths and adults from nearly 30 countries.
Jaewon Kim, Roarke Horstmeyer, Ig-Jae Kim, Ramesh Raskar
G Wetzstein, I Ihrke, D Lanman, W Heidrich
Consumer photography is undergoing a paradigm shift with the development of light field cameras. Commercial products such as those by Lytro…
Arts in Tech Podcast based in Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University Interviews Char Stiles from Future Sketches
SpaceCHI 4.0 at the European Astronaut CentreJune 23-24, 2025After three successful annual workshops, SpaceCHI is evolving into a…
Marwah, K. "Tensor Photography: Exploring Space of 4D Modulations Inside Traditional Camera Designs"
G Wetzstein, I Ihrke, D Lanman, W Heidrich