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Former Research Affiliate
LocationWiesner Room DescriptionMany important elements of our relationships with machines either go unnoticed or get very little attention…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-240 DescriptionKelly Dobson is an artist and engineer who pioneered the Parapraxis of Machine Design, a novel ar…
LocationCenter for Advanced Visual Studies DescriptionKelly Dobson is an artist and engineer who works in the realms of technology, medicin…
Dobson, K. "Machine Therapy"
Machine Therapy takes two forms: a series of wearable body organs (comforting armors) that are incorporated and used by participants, and t…
Former Research Guide
Former Research Assistant, Program in Media Arts & Sciences
Former Manager of Philanthropic Relations
Event Manager and Producer
Former Event Space Assistant
Former Administrative Assistant
EngageME: Personalized machine learning and humanoid robots for measuring affect and engagement of children with autismEngageME is a projec…
Rudovic, O., Lee, J., Dai, M., Schuller, B. , Picard, R. W., " Personalized machine learning for robot perception of affect and engagement in autism therapy," Science Robotics, June 2018.
As part of our larger effort to build out a suite of tools for community organizers, we are helping to build their capacity to do their own…
"I feel like I go to the real-life museum of science, where the machines and the projects all come to life."
Can a Recommender System Support Treatment Personalisation in Digital Mental Health Therapy? A Quantitative Feasibility Assessment Using Data from a Behavioural Activation Therapy App, Lewis, R., Ferguson, F., Wilks, C., Jones, N., Picard, R.W.; CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI ’22 Extended Abstracts)
Machine learning network offers personalized estimates of children’s behavior.
Can we sonfiy calming breathing and passively influence a state of calm?Deep breathing has been scientifically proven to affect the heart, …
Novel Bioelectronic Therapy for Incurable Cancer
Rudovic, O., Lee, J., Mascarell-Maricic, L., Schuller, B., Picard, R. "Measuring Engagement in Robot-assisted Autism Therapy: A Cross-cultural Study," Frontiers in Robotics and AI, July 2017.
Hedman E, Schoen SA, Miller LJ, Picard R. Wireless Measurement of Sympathetic Arousal During in vivo Occupational Therapy Sessions. Front Integr Neurosci. 2020 Oct 29;14:539875. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2020.539875. PMID: 33192351; PMCID: PMC7659428.
Devices to facilitate gene therapy will be of increasing importance in years to come. We are developing fluidic systems to facilitate vira…
Joseph A. Paradiso, Stacy J. Morris, Ari Y. Benbasat, Erik Asmussen
Elliott Hedman, Lucy Miller, Sarah Schoen, Darci Nielsen, Matthew Goodwin, Rosalind Picard
Ferguson, C.* and Lewis, R.*, Wilks, C., Picard, R.W.; The Guardians: Designing a Game for Long-term Engagement with Mental Health Therapy; IEEE Conference of Games 2021. *Equal contribution
The Music, Mind and Machine group is working towards bridging the gap between the current generation of audio technologies and those that w…
Mental health therapies are complex and, to be computer-deliverable, must be customizable and adaptive. We are applying software engineeri…
Physiological arousal is an important part of occupational therapy for children with autism and ADHD, but therapists do not have a way to o…
Elliott Hedman, Rosalind W. Picard, Lucy Jane Miller, Matthew Goodwin
Leo Bonanni Vaucelle, C., Lieberman, J., and Zuckerman, O.
Former Research Affiliate
Hedman, E. "Wireless, In-Situ Measurement of Electrodermal Activity During Occupational Therapy"
M. Ehsan Hoque, Lane J. K., Rana Kaliouby, Matthew Goodwin, Rosalind W. Picard
K. Blocher, Rosalind W. Picard
The Molecular Machines group is focused on pioneering the field of Avogadro scale engineering, which seeks to understand and approach the f…
Lopez-Martinez, Daniel & Peng, Ke & Lee, Arielle & Borsook, David & Picard, Rosalind. (2019). Pain Detection with fNIRS-Measured Brain Signals: A Personalized Machine Learning Approach Using the Wavelet Transform and Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling with Dirichlet Process Priors. 304-309. 10.1109/ACIIW.2019.8925076.
In the Renaissance, kings rarely traveled to find a bride rather an artist was sent to paint her likeness. These artisans were often not th…
Former Research Affiliate
As of 2021, the MIT Media Lab's Social Machines group has merged with the MIT Center for Constructive Communication. The Laboratory fo…
The first of this project's two goals is to enable those with internalized, psychologically distressing states to speak their own stories o…
The goal of the TeleReporter project is to design a system that allows for complete and open interaction between news providers and the new…
We are developing a system that allows a group of distributed participants to direct the actions of a remote actor. This remote "TeleActor"…
This project investigates relationships between and within bodies. Architectural bodies and living bodies communicate in this project throu…
Omo is an alternative relational object. While similar to "carebots" and companion robots, Omo draws on ongoing Machine Therapy work reveal…
Blendie is an interactive, sensitive, intelligent, voice-controlled blender with a mind of its own. Materials are a 1950s Osterizer blender…
In the Renaissance, kings rarely traveled to find a bride: instead, an artist was sent to paint her likeness. These artisans were often not…
The makings of identities: personal identity is guided by an invisible apparatus. This apparatus is ever-changing. Surveillance data is con…
Expressive encoding of spatial ambience allows us to embed technological narratives in objects so as to provoke a re-thinking of our relati…
Wearable Body Organs are a series of digitally controlled, electromechanical wearable devices that respond to a set of psychologically and …
A wall that responds to its surroundings. By listening and interacting with the people around it the wall retains a memory of its experienc…
This project is exploring instrumenting everyone (The Flying Karamazov Brothers) and everything (their juggling clubs) in a large space (a …
The Chit Chat Club is an experiment in bringing people together in a mixed physical and virtual environment. Online chatrooms and real worl…
For centuries, across geographies, religions, and cultures, people try to innovate ways of scaring each other. Creating a visceral emotion …
Opera of the Future presented work on Music, Movement, Meditation + Machines at Harvard's Osher Integrative Medicine Network Forum
With Ghost in the Machine, alum Misha Sra and collaborator Purav Bhardwaj invite participants to consider the anthropomorphization of AI,
Social robots could potentially aid therapists working with autistic children in the future.
The Machine Understanding group works on understanding human cognition and developing base level technologies for intelligent computer syst…
LIMITER is a new musical instrument designed to incorporate game-like elements into an interface for justly intonated and microtonal c…
Matthew Groh, Ziv Epstein, Chaz Firestone, Rosalind Picard. "Deepfake detection by human crowds, machines, and machine-informed crowds." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Jan 2022, 119 (1) e2110013119; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2110013119
The Machine Ghost in the Human Shell by Kawita Vatanajyankur and Pat Pataranutaporn is set to premier at the 11th Asia Pacific Tr…
The Moral Machine is a platform for gathering a human perspective on moral decisions made by machine intelligence, such as self-driving car…
Machines powered by artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly mediate our social, cultural, economic, and …
Cynthia Breazeal is featured in The Big Conversation: Machine Yearning, part of a conversation series running at the Sundance Film Festival.
LocationMemphis, TN Description