Vending Machine: Challenge
Nikos Michalakis
This project pulls together food and information offerings in public
places. We wish to address two aspects of vending machine design.
The first is the payment system and, thus the role of the machine in the market.
The second is the interface and interaction with the customer.
Ted Selker
A camera in an oven replaces its window:
This allows the cook to see the things they are cooking anywhere in the house.
It allows the oven to see the size and color of the contents to adjust power and control.
It can read the temperature of the oven walls and the food separately.
These features make a more efficient oven which can better control the cooking of its contents
while making it easier to view oven contents.
Robocrop: Ming Zhang, Paul Thordarsen, Joseph
'Jofish' Kaye
| Robocrop combines sensors, networking and plants to create a modular
desktop gardening system, in which the gardener can have as much
information and control as they wish. We are developing a kit of parts to
enable a deeper understanding of the variables that effect plant growth in
an accessible way -- a Mindstorms for Nature.
Kitchen Hand Projects:Ted Selker
The Chameleon Mug investigates a way of making handheld computers for the
kitchen. Using LCD, bimetal strips, thermoresister and Thermochromic ink as
sensors; we developed a vessel which changes color, displays safety
messages and/or springs a handle to demonstrate the whether the fluid in it
is hot or cold. While initial reasons for this research were to explore
the safety and aesthetic issues of making a tumbler which could turn into a
mug for hot drinks, our researchers have uncovered many more uses for
sensors in a drinking vessel. For example, to detect the concentration of
sugar or lactose in a beverage, warn of bad milk or to mix the fluid
The Talking Trivet:Ernesto Arroyo
This project include an understanding of oven cooking practices in a oven
mitt by designing it to remark verbally on its temperature. The Talking
Trivet uses a thermoresistor to remark on the temperature of foods and
containers which are placed on it. For example, it exclaims "FIRE!" when
left on a surface over 600 degrees, informs you that the food "Needs
rewarming." or affirms that the food is "Hot and ready to eat!". In
addition, it sets an automatic timer for cooking which is based on the
temperature of the oven. Therefore, a 275 degree oven exclaims that the
food should be checked in 40 minutes, while a 500 degree oven recommends
that it should be tested in 10 minutes.
Cutlery that Nose:Ernesto Arroyo
Taking The Talking Trivet to its next step, we are experimenting with
knives which can warn against bacteria or stirring spoons which can sense
the sweetness of cookie batter or the saltiness of a salad dressing. The
cutlery takes in the information via saline, Ph, temperature and
conductivity sensors. The knives and spoons can then provide commentary or
advice via sound output hardware.of salad dressing to comment on them.
Floor Scale:Jorge Martinez, Win Burleson
The Floor Scale is an initiative which introduces computing to the floor.
We have worked with special flooring from Steelcase to create an
inexpensive system of floor sensors (third generation) which can sense
where a person is and where they have moved within a room. Current and
future experiments include: triggering an appliance to teach a skill;
recall a previous activity by that person (I.e. retracing steps); and
encouraging people to circulate to another group in a party social floor.
a party social floor. (using special flooring courtesy of Steelcase)
Chameleon Tables:Ted Selker
These experimental tables are designed to be useful as an individual sized
table or to be connected together mechanically and electronically to make a
larger surface. The 2 foot hexagon shape has a heavy 3 inch thick cavity
under its clear top; thus leaving possibilities to be a display case or
electronic table infrastructure. The gas charged support post includes a
capacitive sensor that measures height and weight of the table top and
allow the tables to articulate up and down approximately 2 feet.
InStink:vJoseph Jofish Kaye
inStink explores what happens when we can manipulate smell by computer as
easily as we currently manipulate sound and video. We have built
prototype systems for smell production that use smell as an ambient media,
to communicate presence, activity, and abstract information. We are also
examining the use of aromas to aid learning, in conjunction with other
media, and as a communication device.
EyeAre Tables:Andrea Lockherd, Jorge Martinez, Winslow Burleson
There are three present scenarios for the interaction of these tables with the EyeaRe Glasses:
"The Greeting Table" -- The table works with the EyeaRe glasses to introduce a newcomer to a table.
"The Web Table" -- The EyeaRe glasses communicate with a computer in the table and displays the Web pages coworkers or friends.
"The Email Table" -- The EyeaRe glasses send email to coworkers or friends.
Capacitive Leg Tables:Winslow Burleson
There are two present scenarios this project:
"The Drum Table" -- One can play the Capacitive Leg as a timpani when it is
raised to its full height, as a tom tom when it is in the middle of its
course and as a bongo when at the bottom of its travel.
"The Conversation Table" -- This version uses the Capacitive Leg to show
Coffee Table Book pictures when at coffee table height, Desk Work when at
medium height and Bar Games at highest level.
Cognitive Support
Ju, Camilo Guaqueta, Becky Hurwitz, Tilke Judd, Bonny Lee
Why stand by and have a kitchen of the future that cook for you when you
can join in on the fun? CounterACTIVE is developing a kitchen counter which
engages the user with delicious recipes, colorful pictures, fun music,
instructive videos and interesting stories. By enticing people to develop
their cooking skills, our interface encourages an active participation in the kitchen.
The CounterACTIVE research has two components: the interface and the
underlying architecture. The interface is composed of a computer, an
overhead projector, and Rehmi Post's TauFish electric field sensing array;
by touching the pictures and words on the countertop, users' can step their
way through recipes. We are currently exploring the design possibilites
offered by this setup, which we regard as a new medium.
Another aspect of our research is the architecture of an event detection
system to enable a non-command interface. Using an underlying array of
sensors distributed throughout the kitchen the kitchen can infer what
events are occurring in the kitchen and respond before the user formulates
an explicit command.
Invision:Mike Li
The natural structure of the way our eyes glance around tells a social
story. This research demonstrates how a person's visual pattern on a
computer screen can identify his or her task or question. As a user glances
around, Invision will group an image by using a special structured light
based eye tracking system
Room With A View:Winslow Burleson
Room with A View (RWAV) is a scenario prototype which demonstrates a social
collaborative working environment. A special Kitchen table, tablet
"viewboards", and projected wall work together to translate desktop
computing into the familiar physical scenario of an office. A projected
desktop with imagery such as that found in an old office (e.g. things
hanging on the wall, things sitting on shelves, things lying on the desk)
provides accessibility to items simply by reaching over to "grab" them. The
messy desk metaphor is transformed into a scene projected onto a blank wall
with supporting scenes on portable tablet-like viewboards representing
books and other materials traditionally used in an office. RWAV can be used
as an office, traveling office and an improved kitchen table. Examples for
the kitchen table include a wall including shelves of kids games, a wall
including everything that makes doing homework easier, a kitchen wall with
extra scheduling news and last minute homework resources.
Make Your Menu:Ernesto Arroyo
This interface allows a diner to "create their food virtually" instead of
choosing menu items from a static text menu. A virtual plate appears on the
tabletop interface. The user then chooses foods from the edge menus (i.e.
hamburger by placing lettuce cheese, pickles and meat on the bun) and
arranges the food on the plate. The order can then be delivered straight to
the diner. This interface in language independent and makes it easier for
the diner to visualize what will arrive.