... ci home
Crimp and solder molex connector parts to the four wires of the phone cable, and then attach them to the reader. This could theoretically be done without the molex connectors, but they make it easier. Make a hole for the cable to come out in the case: you probably want it on the side opposite the hinge, coming out of the thin side (not the flat side). Put reader and case on a big thing o' newspaper. Put on those gloves if you've got them. If not you'll just get your hands covered in gook. Load the silicone into the gun, clip the nozzle (relatively large) and pop the seal with a screwdriver or bent coat hanger. Squidge out some sealant so it covers the bottom of the case, and put the reader with cable attached in.
Ideally you don't want the cable going straight out the case, you want it to spend some time going around the reader so that by the time it comes out of the sealant the actual connections are far enough away from any moisture that could leak in. So if you were to put the case with the hinge on the side farthest away from you and opened it, with the intention of having the side nearest you have the cable come out, then you'd want the actual cable connection to be at nine o'clock.
Put the reader in, squidge it down, and cover it with more sealant. Too much is good. Make sure you get all the air spaces - use a matchstick or something to get out air bubbles. Pay particular attention to the area around the cable and under the pins. Finally close the lid and squidge more around the edges. Wipe off surplus with some newspaper and suspend by the cable somewhere to dry. It'll take about twenty four hours.
jofish 19 june 1998