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This page contains technical documentation on setting up Mr. Java when
travelling, crafting his cables, etc.
The Mr. Java Installation Guide:
A guide to preparing Mr. Java for the road. Contains details on the
specific (and esoteric, I might add) power / water needs of the Acorto
2000 series coffee machines, and also known sources for the parts
Swatch Reader Cable Diagram:
The cables connecting the Swatch reader and the computer are rather
strange, and this GIF contains a graphic representing how they are made.
Acorto Cable:
If you thought the Swatch Reader cable was a little weird, get a look
at the one used to connect to the Acorto 2000s. Another GIF portraying
exactly how the connection is made using a 4 wire phone cable (with
more wires it might be less difficult - at least, it wouldn't require
so much shifting around in the six pin heads we use.)
- Waterproofing the Reader:
Full instructions on how to make a waterproof Swatch Access reader. We're not
responsible for anything that goes wrong.