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Books Table of Contents:
Counter Intelligence is interested in kitchens
for the home. Here are some reviews of books that we found useful.
of chefs |food itself | urban planning
and architecture | society and communication |
economics and business | design
| future technology | current
technology | innovation, creativity and creation
| cookbooks | kitchen design
| video
When we were in Chicago, Dave Behringer gave us a copy of "The
Making of
a Chef, by Michael Ruhlman. I've just finished reading it, and it's
worthwhile. Basically worth it for insite into the making of a
professional chef.
I think it'd be interesting to talk to the CIA - if we do so, whoever's
doing the talking should read this as an intro so we know where we're
coming from.
It's interesting, tho. On one hand, one of our barely-hidden social
agendas is to get more people into the kitchen and cooking. I'm not
sure what the big plan of the CIA is: is their mission to train
restaurant chefs? is their mission to promote good food? My gut
feeling is that either way they'd be very interested in the counter: i
think it's got huge possibiltieis for such things.
The CIA/profession chef system doesn't scale well to the average
and societally to the average cook. We know the times we're looking at
dealing with, and someone who wants to cook in eight minutes isn't going
to be making roux. I'd love to talk to them about that question.
A few numbers in there: restaurant association of america says 15
billion dinners & 24 billion lunches. 275M americans means 55 dinners
per person per year, ie once a week, and 87 lunches. Now, I've also
heard from a GE Appliances guy say that 57% of restaurant meals are
eaten in the home: thus yr average american eats out once a week and
orders in once a week? I guess that means the other twelve dinners are
- They make noises about a website called digital chef: it's the
standard stuff we're used to by now. It says saute something, you click
on saute and it tells you how. I've got foo and bar, what can I make
with foo and bar.
- US food service industray $312bn. That doesn't come from restaurants,
that's old people's homes and hospitals and colleges and stuff. One of
the chefs mentions rise in home meal replacement (HMR), also elderly
It fits in really well with a lot of the stuff I've been talking
with Stop & Shop, Philips and Kraft. It's kind of nice when you
come at a
conclusion from a technological and humanistic point of view and then
an economic and managerial justification for the same direction.
Essentially, from a HBS-esque management perspective, it justifies
'South of the Border' scenario, the third-space work we've been discussing
with Stop & Shop (like Haj in a big ol' white hat?), the whole integrated
systems vision. Good to see.
Credit where credit's due: this was recommended by Nancy Gecas
from Kraft.
Thank you very much.
Someone remind me to put up a book list on the CI site. God knows
read enough of the things over the last few weeks while my knee's been
These books are brought to you by Amazon.com in conjunction with MIT's Improv Theatre troupe, Roadkill Buffet. In this way, Counter Intelligence is supporting creativity and the arts.