Cycling Team

Jonathan Goldman grew up in Chevy Chase, MD and now lives on a vineyard in upstate NY near Lake Keuka. As a Physics major at MIT, he specialized in exp. atomic physics and condensed matter. He will begin graduate school in physics at Stanford in Fall '98. Interests include cycling, squash, tennis music.

Julian Orbanes is a recent M.I.T. Computer Science graduate who's concentration was in Visual Arts. Originally from Topsfield, MA, he will establishing a software startup company in Cambridge in 1998. Quote: "I'll be back."

Bryan Robinson former co-President of Dallas Pro Lawn Care, recently graduated from MIT with degrees in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering. This fall, he will be returning to MIT to enter the PhD program in Electrical Engineering. When he is not studying, Bryan enjoys playing squash and cycling. Were it not for a humiliating loss in the sixth grade spelling bee when he could not spell "bursitis", Bryan might be a professional speller today.

Professor Michael Hawley, fearless in every way, leads the Personal Information Architecture group at the MIT Media Lab. He and Erica Orovitz, from Trimble Navigation, are riding the Media Lab's tandem bicycle for the final leg of our trip.

Erica Orovtiz works at Trimble Navigation as a Program Manager for the ScoutMaster handheld receiver. She also works with Visual Effects Production Companies in the movie business using Trimble 4000SSi Survey Receivers collecting positioning data which is integrated in the post production process. Most recently Erica took a trip to Nepal hoping to join the MIT Group at Everest Base Camp. However, at 14,700 feet HAPE got the best of her and she had to turn back. When Erica is not out trekking, she enjoys cycling, skiing, diving, and is an avid moviegoer.

Otto Loggers is currently employed as the MIT Museum's Education Coordinator. However, while doing so he explores MIT's outing resources: swamping sailboats on the Charles River, footloosing over the White Mountains with the MIT Outing Club and fundraising for Team MITOC, an adventurous group planning to finish the Boston to New York City AIDS RIDE '98. However, how couldn't he jump at this opportunity to get crazy and pedal over one more mountain range? With the Andes, Himalayas, and Cooks Range behind him, what's one more continental divide?. . .pleasure and pain!