Task Specific Wearables

MIThril, a borglab production. Richard W. DeVaul, Jonathan Gips, Michael Sung, Sandy Pentland

The Wearable Operator's Assistant. CMU and Inmedious, Inc

A wearable computing system designed specifically to enhance Shell oil rig technicians capability to perform their job.

Through the use of task analysis and interviewing, the design uncovered and focused on five key areas for improvement:

  • Log Sheets/Data Logging.
  • Online Job Cards.
  • Searchable fault and maintenance history.
  • Access to remote specialists and peers.
  • Mobile, remote access to systems and information.
Fourth Proceedings of the ISWC Conference. "Enriching the Design Process: Developing a Wearable Operator's Assistant" pp. 35 - 42. [CMU, Inmedius 2000]
A Short History of Wearable Computers
Bradford J Snow and Richard W. DeVaul
The second annual "I Wanna Be a Cyborg" event, a borglab production.