These indivduals are experimenting with the ramifications of "living" with a computer. As the computer is worn, much like a piece of clothing, close to the body, it can begin to collect data on it's user. Preferances, and other behavior patterns can be remembered by the computer and it can learn to use this knowledge to assist the user in various tasks. To build an intelligent agent to serve the user, the computer needs as much input as is possible so that it can make more informed decisions. The more input, the more likely it is to correctly decide what to do.
The overall idea is that people will gradually move towards integrating all their personal electronic devices (cell-phone, pager, laptop, wrist-watch, calculator, etc.) into one black box. Such a box would provide the user with any information, or connection, necissary at any given moment. To help organize the information and to coordinate all the systems an intelligent interface must be developed. The use of an agent to mediate the contact of human and wearable is the most appropriate. Contrary to the fear that this is similar to a censorship device, using a mediator actually increases the amount of information, to which the user can have instant access. By sending out for lunch, you delegate a chef to prepare your meal, which has the drawback in that you can not control directly the end result (how well done it is, which spices are used and so forth) however if there was a parameter which was of extreeme importance you could set it specifically (tell the chef to hold the mayo). In exchange for this loss of direct control, the user is freed from the time consuming process itself. In such a manner, sending the agent out for information results in a similar trade-off.
Using an agent gives the computer the ability to respond to the users requests with more intelligence than is currently available. The concept of providing the computer with feedback as to how it's actions have been received
Within this scenario is the problem of giving the agent enough input that it can efficiantly make the correct decisions, in given situations. To contribute to this effort for more information, I have constructed a location dependant messaging network.