Company | Phone | FAX | Contact |
Lone Star Circuits | (972) 771-1930 | (972) 771-0360 | Theda Medley |
Quick Turn Circuits, Inc. | (408) 727-4125 | (408) 727-1411 | Jim Khosh |
West Coast Circuits, Inc. | (800) 637-3452 | (408) 728-1827 | Jennifer Rojas |
Davila International Circuits | (415) 969-5700 | (415) 969-6385 | Bill Cooke |
The design files are available online here. You'll need to send these files to your PC fabrication house, using whatever form of communication the fab house wants. You will typically send them the single "ZIP" file that bundles these files together.
File name | Description |
irx20.gtl | Gerber format: Top ("component") side traces |
irx20.gbl | Gerber format, Bottom ("solder") side traces |
irx20.gts | Gerber format, Top side solder mask |
irx20.gbs | Gerber format, Bottom side solder mask |
irx20.gto | Gerber format: Top side silk screen |
irx20.gko | Gerber format, Board outline |
irx20.apt | Aperture list for the Gerber files |
irx20.txt | NC drill file |
irx20.drr | "Drill report" (indicates drill sizes) for NC drill file |
readme.txt | Your name, contact information, list of file names, etc.. |
You'll send the fab house the ZIP file and a PURCHASE ORDER. Some weeks later, they'll send you completed (but unstuffed) boards. If you are using an outside service to assemble the boards, you can ask the fab house deliver the boards directly to the assembly shop.
Following is a list of all the components for the LOCUST. When possible, we've shown Digi-Key's part numbers and prices (as of Jan 1997).
Ref | Digi-Key Part# | Description | unit $ [note 1] |
-- | -na- | Printed Circuit Board | 2.60 |
JI | CP-002A | +9V DC Jack | 0.38 |
-- | ED3318 | 18 pin DIP socket | 0.5254 |
U1 | NJM78L05A | 78L05 +5V voltage regulator | 0.26 |
U2 | PIC16C84-04/P | PIC16C84 processor | 4.52 |
L1 | LT1061 | Infrared LED [note 2] | 0.216 |
L2 | LT1078 | Red LED [note 3] | 0.11 |
D1 | 1N4001CT | 1N4001 diode | 0.048 |
Y1 | PX400-ND | 4MHz ceramic resonator with built-in capacitors | 0.5758 |
C1 | P6224 | 22uF electrolytic capacitor [16V or greater] | 0.0588 |
C2 | P6224 | 22uF electrolytic capacitor [16V or greater] | 0.0588 |
C3 | P4914 | .01uF ceramic capacitor | 0.1017 |
R1 | 100QBK | 100 ohm 1/8W resistor | 0.01945 |
R2 | 100QBK | 100 ohm 1/8W resistor | 0.01945 |
R3 | 10KQBK | 10K ohm 1/8W resistor | 0.01945 |
U3 | MAX233CPP | MAX233 RS-232 level converter | 3.737 |
U4 | -na- | Sharp IS1U60 Infrared Demodulator | 2.50 |
- | - |
[Note 2] The LT1061 infrared LED listed has a 40? viewing angle. Almost any other infrared LED may be substituted, depending on the application. Narrower viewing angles will give you a longer on-axis projection distance, but will require more accurate aiming.
[Note 3] Almost any visible LED will suffice for L2--the LT1078 shown is inexpensive and bright.
[Note 1] Prices shown are approximate, taken when possible from Digi-Key May 1996 catalog and assuming 100 unit pricing. Prices preceded with `*' aren't counted in the total.
Vendor | Telephone | Which parts |
Digi-Key | (800) 344-4539 | Everything else... |
Reptron | (800) 800-5441 | SHARP IS1U60 |
Marshall | (800) 522-0084 | SHARP IS1U60 |
Wiley | (617) 271-9953 | SHARP IS1U60 |
Milgray | (800) 648-3595 | SHARP IS1U60 |
Sterling | (617) 938-6200 | SHARP IS1U60 |
I've used Outsource Solutions for assembling components on PC boards. They are conveniently located near Lone Star Circuits (see above), and I've had good luck with them. Assured Manufacturing is also a good company, they come highly recommended by Lone Star, they too are only a stones throw away from LS, and their quotes were less expensive than Outsource Solutions.
Company | Phone | FAX | Contact |
Outsource Solutions, Inc. | (972) 562-6253 | (972) 562-7057 | Jeff Benson |
Assured Manufacturing | (972) 669-7900 | (972) 669-7979 | Dave Daniels x101 |
PACTRON | (408) 747-1237 | (408)747-1239 | Dan Graft |