Spring 1999
The great Indian mathematician, Ramanudjan, completely reinvented number
theory starting from a single elementary math book to which he had access.
How great the world would be if we could put even a little bit of
information into a billion kid's hands.The WIND-UP Browser seminar will be geared towards designing and building
an information appliance for developing nations. The sole constraints are
that:1] It must change the world
2] It must have a manufacturing cost $10.
Joe Jacobson, Ted Selker
Rich Fletcher
Saul Griffith
Rob Poor
Week 1: Introduction to the Problem
Assignment: Map of literacy and access to information around the globeWeek 2: Introduction to low cost information technologies - Full survey of
everything in existence from displays to radio receivers to hand crank
generators that could be cobbled together to make a $10 device.Week 3: In class design session of self contained reader
Week 4: presentation of self contained reader.
Week 5: Economic models - how can third world peoples supplement their
income: Contract programming, inventing etc. over the web.Week 6: In class design and presentation of an economic model for
supplemental income. Brainstorm on how to build 1 Billion wond-up browsers.Week 7: In class design of linked information device
Week 8: Presentation of linked information device
Week 9: Final project.
in progress...