Chris Schmandt
Principal Research Scientist
Director, Speech Interface Group
Room E15-368A, 20 Ames Street
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
phone (617) 253-5156
fax (617) 258-6264
Research interests
Conversational user interfaces, enhancing personal communication and virtual
social awareness, digitized voice as a computer data or document type.
B.S. MIT Computer Science 1979
M.S. MIT Visual Studies 1980
Professional activities
Active on program committes and reviewer for the conferences and journals such
as CSCW,
CHI, and UIST.
Media Lab UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) coordinator.
Personal interests
Hiking, backpacking, deserts and wilderness experiences in general.
Most recent fun destination
Wild beaches on
the Olympic Peninsula.
Where am I from?
Boston area since 1969, grew up in Chicago and Philadelphia, extensive travel
in Africa and Asia.
Personal Web Page