One of the system's principal
advantages is that no user-worn "viewing
aids" for image separation
(such as LCD shutter goggles, polarized or
glasses) are neccessary. The system takes
care of delivering the
correct stereo information to the viewer's eyes, as
s/he moves throughout
the viewzone.
The system layout is shown
below. First, an infrared camera monitors a
viewer moving within
the viewzone. The video images are used as input
to head-tracking software,
which computes the viewer's center-head
position and reports
it to the rendering software.
Upon receiving the viewer's
center-head position, the rendering
software generates the
left- and right-eye views of a 3D scene,
correctly rendered for
the viewer's head position, and displays them on
the image LCDs. The rendering
software also generates an image that
acts as a "linearly polarizing
mask" for display on the viewer-tracking
LCD. The "mask" image
divides the viewer-tracking LCD horizontally
into two regions of crossed
polarization; the location of the boundary
between these two regions
corresponds to the viewer's center-head
position within the viewzone.
The output polarizer of
each image LCD is aligned with one of the
polarized regions of
the viewer-tracking LCD. The crossed-polarized
stereo images are combined
with a beamsplitter, imaged onto the
viewer-tracking LCD,
which, in turn, is imaged into the viewzone by
a lenticular telescope.
In effect, the system
optically projects virtual viewer-tracking
polarized glasses onto
the eyes of a moving viewer, who is free to
observe a 3D scene from
many perspectives. Thus, the system
provides a correctly-rendered
autostereoscopic view of a 3D scene
anywhere in the plane
of the viewzone.