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Jen Groff @ Media Literacy Conference: Playful Learning

LocationMIT Media Lab, 6th Floor Description

November 2, 2013

Jennifer Groff

Former Research Assistant


Jen Groff @ Playful City, Laboratorio para la Ciudad in Mexico City

LocationLaboratorio para la Ciudad, Mexico City Description

Friday — Thursday
December 4, 2015 —
December 3, 2015

Playful Making, Playful Learning

As part of Plan Ceibal Foundation's Annual Educational Innovation Forum and this year's 10th Anniversary Conference, this event will b…

May 10, 2017
3:00pm — 4:00pm ET

Jen Groff: Curriculum Redesign & Gaming


Jennifer Groff Dissertation Defense

Reengineering Education: Systems Engineering and the LearningGraph as a Means to Developing a Coherent Learning Data ArchitectureCOMMI…

August 13, 2018
1:00pm — 3:00pm ET

Dennis Jen

Lead Software Engineer at SSRC


Learning interventions for language and literacy

Building on research about deeper social-emotional engagement


Curious Learning: Understanding learning behaviors for early literacy

Early literacy plays an important role in a child's future. However, the reality is that over 57 million children have no access to a schoo…


Mathland: Playful Mathematical Learning in Mixed Reality

Mina Khan, Fernando Trujano, Ashris Choudhury, Pattie Maes, "Mathland: Playful Mathematical Learning in Mixed Reality" CHI EA '18 Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems


Child-Driven, Robot-Guided Literacy Activity



Edutainment? No Thanks I Prefer Playful Learning

Mitchel Resnick


Ivan Sysoev

Former Postdoctoral Associate


Creative Learning Conference Brazil

#creativelearning #Brazil


Jennifer Fairhurst


AI literacy, explained

Cynthia Breazeal, head of the Personal Robots research group, talks to Education Week about early opportunities for AI literacy.


Impact.AI: K-12 AI Literacy

Today’s artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are changing how many people play, work, learn, and govern themselves. Due to this rapid …


Meet the MIT Media Lab Learning Fellows

Welcoming three LEGO Papert Fellows and six Learning Innovation Fellows to our new cohort


Jennifer McCrea

Former Advisory Council Member


Jennifer Jacobs

Former Research Assistant


Media Lab @ O'Reilly Solid Conference

LocationSan Francisco, CA DescriptionSpeaker ScheduleJoi Ito: Co-host and keynote speakerMay 21, 9:45am | Nadya Peek: Making Machines that …

Wednesday — Thursday
May 21, 2014 —
May 22, 2014

Media Lab @ INK Conference 2013

LocationOman Hall, Kochi, Kerala, India DescriptionSaturday, October 26, 201316:45 - 18:30 ISTSESSION 6: Collect, Connect panel with Kshiti…

October 27, 2013

Meet the Media Lab’s New Learning Innovation Fellows

The Media Lab is thrilled to announce our inaugural cohort of Learning Innovation fellows for the 2016–2017 academic year.


Benjamin Jenett

Former Postdoctoral Associate


Jennifer Chow

Former Education and Outreach Manager, Open Ocean


Jason Haas & Eric Klopfer @ Games, Learning, and Society Conference

LocationMadison, WI Description

Thursday — Friday
June 14, 2012 —
June 15, 2012

Rahul Bhargava

Former Research Scientist


Introducing the 2018-19 MIT Media Lab Learning Fellows

Our new cohort is the most diverse yet—bringing together graduate students from eight Media Lab research groups.


Theme | AI Literacy

We seek to empower everyone to become conscientious consumers, ethical engineers, creative problem solvers, and informed advocates for resp…


Lifelong Kindergarten

The Lifelong Kindergarten group develops innovative technologies and cultivates caring communities to engage young people from diverse back…


The Future of News and Civic Media Conference

DescriptionOn June 17-19, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and MIT's Center for Future Civic Media will once again host the Futur…

Wednesday — Friday
June 17, 2009 —
June 19, 2009

Personalized Learning: The State of the Field & Future Directions

Groff, J. (2017). Personalized learning: The state of the field & future directions. Center for Curriculum Redesign.


AI Audit: AI Ethics Literacy

An essential element of K-12 AI literacy is educating learners about the ethical and societal implications of AI systems. Previous work in …


Festival of Learning 2022 at the MIT Media Lab

Festival of Learning is always a time of meeting new people while reconnecting with friends I haven't seen in a while, which has been espec…


Better Learning in Games: A Balanced Design Lens for a New Generation of Learning Games

Groff, J., Clarke-Midura, J., Owen, V.E., Rosenheck, L., & Beall, M. (2015). Better Learning in Games: A Balanced Design Lens for a New Generation of Learning Games [white paper]. Cambridge, MA: MIT Education Arcade and Learning Games Network.


Playful Systems

In a world mediated through computing, our everyday lives are increasingly affected by complex and invisible systems. Some of these are alg…


Approaches to Building Big Data Literacy

D’Ignazio, C., & Bhargava, R. (2015). Approaches to Building Big Data Literacy. In Bloomberg Data for Good Exchange 2015. New York, NY, USA.


A Model-free Affective Reinforcement Learning Approach to Personalization of a Social Robot Companion for Early Literacy Education

Hae Won Park, Ishaan Grover, Samuel Spaulding, Louis Gomez, and Cynthia Breazeal. “A Model- free Affective Reinforcement Learning Approach to Personalization of a Social Robot Companion for Early Literacy Education” In Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2019.


Study: Digital literacy doesn’t stop the spread of misinformation

Digital literacy helps people identify misinformation — but it doesn’t necessarily stop them from spreading it.


Interactive Storybooks for Early AI Literacy

Children today are more digitally connected than ever before, with increasing exposure to tablets, social media, and smartphones. As techno…


The LearningGraph

Content and curriculum lie at the heart of every educational system, learning environment, and learning technology. Yet the infrastructure …


Cynthia Breazeal

Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; MIT Dean for Digital Learning


Mitchel Resnick Keynote at World Conference on Educational Media and Technology

LocationVictoria, BC Description

June 25, 2013

Playful Words

While there are a number of literacy technology solutions developed for individuals, the role of social—or networked—literacy learning is l…


Can technology help teach literacy in poor communities?

This article originally appeared in the MIT News. Visit the link for more details.For the past four years, researchers at MIT, Tufts Univer…


Scratch Conference 2018: Day 3

Day 3 scheduleScratch@MIT is a playful gathering of educators, researchers, developers, and other members of the worldwide Scratch communit…


Scratch Conference 2018: Day 2

Day 2 scheduleScratch@MIT is a playful gathering of educators, researchers, developers, and other members of the worldwide Scratch communit…


Scratch Conference 2018: Day 1

Day 1 scheduleScratch@MIT is a playful gathering of educators, researchers, developers, and other members of the worldwide Scratch communit…


DataBasic: Design Principles, Tools and Activities for Data Literacy Learners

D’Ignazio, C., & Bhargava, R. (2016). DataBasic: Design Principles, Tools and Activities for Data Literacy Learners. The Journal of Community Informatics, 12(3).


Designing Tools and Activities for Data Literacy Learners

Bhargava, R., & D’Ignazio, C. (2015). Designing Tools and Activities for Data Literacy Learners. In Wed Science: Data Literacy Workshop. Oxford, UK.


Designing building blocks for open-ended early literacy software

Sysoev, Ivan, et al. "Designing building blocks for open-ended early literacy software." International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 28 (2021)


Pre-pilot findings on developing a literacy tablet.

A. Chang, D. Nunez, T. Roberts, D. Sengeh, C. Breazeal


Data Sculptures as a Playful and Low-Tech Introduction to Working with Data

Bhargava, R., & D’Ignazio, C. (2017). Data Sculptures as a Playful and Low-Tech Introduction to Working with Data. Presented at the Designing Interactive Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland.


Beyond Data Literacy: Reinventing Community Engagement and Empowerment in the Age of Data

Letouzé, E., Noonan, A., Bhargava, R., Deahl, E., Sangokoya, D., & Shoup, N. (2015, September). Beyond Data Literacy: Reinventing Community Engagement and Empowerment in the Age of Data. Data-Pop Alliance.


MIT Chalk Radio: AI Literacy for All with Prof. Cynthia Breazeal

Social robotics pioneer Prof. Cynthia Breazeal discusses artificial intelligence in our lives, digital citizenship, and AI education for all


PotScript: A Visual Grammar for Sculpting with Functions presented at ACM SCF Conference in NYC

PotScript: a playful 3D modeling tool that integrates a visual grammar with shaping curves to model forms as parametric functions.