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LocationE14-633 DescriptionThe lecture will start with a presentation of the non-linear graphic language "Elephant's Memory" and its core f…
LocationMIT Media Lab, Third-Floor Atrium DescriptionChanges in the media world have been hard on journalists and unsettling for news consu…
Artist Talk given at the Program in Visual Arts at Princeton University. Other speakers were Charlotte Rohde and Neeta Patel.
In Linear Mandala, a single participant wears a custom headset outfitted with an electroencephalography (EEG) sensor. The participant walks…
Dubey, A., & Pentland, A. (2020). Differentially-Private Federated Linear Bandits. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33.
A.P. Pentland
Boroushaki, Tara, et al. "Augmenting Augmented Reality with {Non-Line-of-Sight} Perception." 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 23). 2023.
WORLDING workshop organizers collaborated with research scientist Dr. Rachel Connolly to co-design their first-ever in-person event.
Former Research Affiliate
Kornhauser, D. "Designing a Craft Computing Environment for Non-Industrial Settings"
Thomas Minka
Zhang, Yue & Weninger, Felix & Schuller, Björn & Picard, Rosalind. (2019). Holistic Affect Recognition Using PaNDA: Paralinguistic Non-Metric Dimensional Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. PP. 1-1. 10.1109/TAFFC.2019.2961881.
D. SARKAR, A. T. WASSIE, A. PAYNE, K. D. PIATKEVICH, D. ORAN, J.-B. CHANG, E. S. BOYDEN. Society for Neuroscience, 2016.
Ayush Bhandari, Achuta Kadambi, Ramesh Raskar
Known as “WraPr,” the system presents a novel fabrication method for creating new or augmenting existing 3D objects with soft materials.
Biomedical engineer and dancer Shriya Srinivasan PhD ’20 explores connections between the human body and the outside world.
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
Y. Zhang, F. Weninger, B. Schuller and R. W. Picard, "Holistic Affect Recognition Using PaNDA: Paralinguistic Non-Metric Dimensional Analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 769-780, 1 April-June 2022, doi: 10.1109/TAFFC.2019.2961881.
A dialogue concerning the impact of AI on the human brain and its relation to autism and depression.
Lam, F. "CHEIRO: Creating Expressive Textual Communication and Anthropomorphic Typography"
Eckhardt M., Ferguson C. and Picard R. W., "A Platform for Creating Stories Across Digital and Physical Boundaries," Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. ACM, Munich, Germany, February 2014
The City Science Lab @ Biobio recently hosted a workshop co-organized with the San Vicente Port Company. The workshop invited a dialogue be…
Greenwald, S. "Linear Equation Solving in Asynchronous Logic Automata"
Finger Talk is a small experiment Future Sketches has been working on related to gestural computation. What does it mean to have code you c…
Nicholas Negroponte, Mitchel Resnick, Justine Cassell
MIT startup Lumii helps manufacturers replicate the visual effects of holograms on their printed materials.
We worked with the residents at Camfield Estates, a housing development in Roxbury, MA, to investigate the role of community technology for…
Zhang Y, Weninger F, Schuller B, Picard R "Holistic Affect Recognition using PaNDA: Paralinguistic Non-metric Dimensional Analysis." IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, December 2019.
We have collected data (n=133) in collaboration with Duke University Professor Paul Seli testing a non-contact Targeted Dream Incubation pr…
Real Talk Radio (in development) is a series of software-generated live-streamed sound and video works composed of an evolving and neverend…
Senior Garrett Parrish combines art and technology, with dramatic effects.
P. Tandon et al., "Txt2Vid: Ultra-Low Bitrate Compression of Talking-Head Videos via Text," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2022.3221953.
Marshall Ganz in conversation with Media Lab Director Joi Ito.
Perikumar Javia, Rana A, Shapiro NI, Shah P. IEEE Xplore, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (2018) (Conference acceptance rate: 14%). DOI: 10.1109/ICMLA.2018.00097
Jehan, T. "Creating Music by Listening"
LocationWang Gungwu Lecture Hall, Graduate House, Hong Kong University Description
Former Postdoctoral Associate
Yoon, H., Dagdeviren, C.†, “Towards Device Technologies Non-invasive to Our Daily Lives”, Nature Communications, 16, 2025.
The MIT Startup Exchange hosts events + arranges introductions that can lead to opportunities for emerging companies like ML spinoff Tulip.
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14-633 DescriptionWe live in a world made of networked computers, but we regulate them like they were toys, phones,…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14 6th Floor DescriptionIn his presentation entitled Opening New Worlds in Sound, Nick Ryan will be sharing his pra…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14 6th Floor DescriptionIn his presentation "Future of Synesthesia," Tetsuya Mizuguchi will discuss what he always …
DescriptionLooking at things that aren't there: a career path that has never had a clear path, but looking backward, everything seems to ma…
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14 6th Floor DescriptionBringing objects to life at the intersection of the physical and the digital--We live in a …
LocationMIT Media Lab, E14 6th Floor DescriptionCalled "Inventing the Impossible," Marco Tempest will talk about the use of illusion as a c…
Mitch Resnick introduces his contribution to the LEGO Foundation’s new Creating Creators report.
Light, color, texture, geometry and other architectural design elements have been shown to produce predictable and measurable effects on ou…
Kahn, I. * Desai, M., Knoblich, U., Bernstein, J., Henninger, M., Graybiel, A. M., Boyden, E. S.*, Buckner, R. L. *, Moore, C. I. * (2011) Characterization of the Functional MRI Response Temporal Linearity via Optical Control of Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons, Journal of Neuroscience 31(42):15086-15091. (* co-corresponding authors)
Thinking With Sand, a virtual talk series exploring new software interfaces and tools for augmented thinking and creative exploration.
Pillow-Talk is a set of connected objects intended to assist in the capture and recall digitally stored dreams and memories via natural and…
On June 8, 2023, a delegation from the University of Guadalajara (UdeG) visited the MIT Media Lab to meet with faculty and researchers rega…
E14 Fund, the Media Lab early-stage deep tech fund, is hosting a spin-off session where about 20 startups will be presenting and demoing. T…
Building Reproducible, Reusable, and Robust Machine Learning SoftwareWe have seen significant achievements with machine learning in re…
MIT students, faculty, and collaborators gave Lightning Talks during Here be Dragons 2018
R. Horstmeyer, S.B. Oh, R. Raskar
Mayor Ko, the mayor of Taipei, Taiwan, visited MIT on March 22nd as part of his US tour. He met with MIT students and the Boston Taiwanese …
Bio:Parag Khanna is a is a senior research fellow in the Centre on Asia and Globalisation at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at th…
Kosmyna, N., Balyan, A., Hauptmann, E. (2023). Decoding Visual Imagery Using EEG/EOG Glasses: A Pilot Study. In: Arai, K. (eds) Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2022, Volume 2. FTC 2022 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 560. Springer, Cham.
Marshall Ganz in conversation with Media Lab Director Joi Ito.
Edwina Portocarrero, David Cranor, V. Michael Bove, Jr.