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LocationWiesner Room DescriptionThis talk considers how capacities for action are currently figured at the human–machine interface, and how…
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
LocationE14-525 DescriptionTim Wu will talk about his new book, The Master Switch, and more generally about the cycles in innovation and in…
LocationE14-633 DescriptionProfessor Perlin will present recent research in procedural modeling, responsive animation, pressure-sensitive i…
LocationWiesner Room DescriptionThe nature of construction has remained intensely manual throughout recorded history. Unlike in manufactur…
LocationWiesner Room DescriptionJeremy Bailenson is founding director of Stanford University's Virtual Human Interaction Lab and an assista…
LocationWiesner Room DescriptionBart Hopkin will talk about musical instruments and sound, with the following question as a starting point:…
LocationWiesner Room DescriptionCorporations have well-refined methods of product development, brand development, management, production, a…
Location3-133 DescriptionProfessor at the MIT Media Lab, joint Professor at the MIT Department of Biological Engineering and the MIT Depart…
LocationEdwards Auditorium, URI Kingston Campus Description
LocationE14-633 DescriptionFor the last two decades the Internet has served information and entertainment to the isolated computer screen a…
LocationStanford University Description
LocationE14-633 DescriptionThe internet enables unprecedented connections across international borders. Whether we read a daily newspaper f…
LocationE14-633 DescriptionSo far, almost all space programs have been led by governments, usually as part of their military programs. Very…
Danielle Wood presents on "Sustainability on Earth and in Space" at the Colloquium Series hosted by GALCIT, CalTech's Aerospace Department.
LocationUC Berkeley, 306 Soda Hall (HP Auditorium) Description
Professor Danielle Wood will present on the research of the Space Enabled research group as part of Clark University's Fall 2020 Colloquium…
MAS.834 Tangible Interfaces - Fall 2024WHEN: Tuesday 1-4 pm WHERE: E15-341THE FIRST CLASS: S…
FLUID INTERFACESWhile today's devices put the world’s information at our fingertips, they do not help us with some of the cognitive s…
Former Research Scientist
LocationStuttgart, Germany Description
Our research group designs various hardware and software platforms that can be used to do scientific experiments or implement a particular …
Nerve-Muscle Graft Chamber and micro-channel arrays tor interface to peripheral nerves for prosthesis control. This research effort co…
Shu, T., Herrera-Arcos, G., Taylor, C.R. et al. Mechanoneural interfaces for bionic integration. Nat Rev Bioeng (2024).
Carty, M.J. and Herr, H.M. The Agonist-Antagonist Myoneural Interface. Hand Clinics. 2021 Aug;37(3):435-445. doi: 10.1016/j.hcl.2021.04.006.
Herr HM, Carty MJ. The Agonist-antagonist Myoneural Interface. Tech Orthop. 2021 Dec;36(4):337-344. doi: 10.1097/bto.0000000000000552. PMID: 34866774; PMCID: PMC8630671.
The Wearable Biotech workshop aims to explore the vision of bio-digital interfaces in, on, and around the body.
Mechanical, electrical, and dynamic control systems recreate biological behavior with synthetic hardware.
Designing systems for cognitive support
Pattie Maes talks about optimizing technology to be used by people, through fluid, interactive, immersive, and wearable systems.
The human saga of psychedelic use is a long trip across history, evidenced by Olmec burials with bufo toads in Central America.
Former Research Affiliate
Vujic, Angela, Shreyas Nisal, and Pattie Maes. "Joie: a Joy-based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)." Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. 2023.
Society is experiencing a growing challenge of mental health and wellbeing. This year, 32.3% of U.S. adults or over 100 million individuals…
Human-computer interaction (HCI) has traditionally focused on designing and investigating interfaces that provide explicit visual, auditory…
Consumer electronics devices are becoming more complicated, intimidating users. These devices do not know anything about everyday life or h…
Currently each app lives in its own little world, with its own interface. Apps are usually unable to communicate with each other and unable…
This project explores how modern graphical interface techniques and explicit support for the user's problem-solving activities can make mor…
An enabling technology to build shape-changing interfaces through pneumatically driven, soft-composite materials. The composite materials i…
The prosthetic interface consists of a compliant liner and rigid socket, and conventionally has been made through a very hands-on artisinal…
S. Srinivasan, S., M. Herr, H. A cutaneous mechanoneural interface for neuroprosthetic feedback. Nat Biomed Eng (2021).
We envision that a close-to-nose interface could be used as a complementary or alternative wearable method to nasal cannulas or masks,…
Professor Pattie Maes and research scientist Nataliya Kosmyna demonstrate a wearable brain-computer interface called AttentivU.
MAS.834 Tangible Interfaces - Fall 2023WHEN: Tuesday 1-4 pm WHERE: E15-341THE FIRST CLASS: S…
Chan, S. W. T., Gunasekaran, T. S., Pai, Y. S., Zhang, H., & Nanayakkara, S. (2021). KinVoices: Using Voices of Friends and Family in Voice Interfaces. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), 1-25.
Ostrowski, A. K., Fu, J., Zygouras, V., Park, H. W., & Breazeal, C. Speed Dating with Voice User Interfaces (VUIs): Understanding How Families Interact and Perceive VUIs in a Group Setting. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 375.
The Face Interface system allows users to select facial gestures to control the Windows interface without a keyboard or mouse. The system r…
The goal of this project is to allow designers to continue using the traditional drawing tools they love, but to digitally enhance the draw…
The Interface Tailor is an agent that attempts to adapt a system in response to affective feedback. Frustration is being used as a fitness …
This work uses combined speech input and output to converse with a user seeking to control a computer, or to access information from it. Co…
To change radically the physical shape and feeling of technology, designers must also be able to change the materials from which it is made…